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Waukesha Defense Lawyers: Your Allies in Fending Off Burglary Charges

Home is really where the heart is, and the last thing you need are burglars getting in and making off with some items of value. What if the roles were reversed and you are later caught for allegedly pulling off the break-in? A local resident was later tagged for allegedly carrying out a very odd burglary in Madison, WI, involving electronics, beer, and cheese, as reported in the Wisconsin State Journal.  

Waukesha residents do have enough problems on their plate as it is. According to City Data, the place is ranked No 42 of 100 in the list of safe places in the U.S., with burglaries rated at 2.96 per 1,000 residents—at 210 incidents—which is almost half the national average at 6.10. Do you know that cheese, Wisconsin’s prime product, is even among the most stolen food items in the world? When you are tagged for burglary but insist you did nothing wrong, it’s time you get leading Waukesha defense lawyers, such as those from Huppertz and Powers, S.C., to represent you in your hour of crisis.

Slippery Hands?

The Madison Police Department reported that a 37-year old woman was caught snooping in the Mallory Circle house of a man who had just come home from work. After successfully pushing his way in when the woman forced the door closed, he tried to get the suspect to sit down while he called the cops. The woman ran into the nearby Sandburg Woods after making off with cheese from the house fridge. The officers eventually found her and apprehended her, having been able to trail the scent of perfume she doused herself with from a bottle belonging to the man’s daughter.

Potential Defense

A person suspected of burglary can rely on the burden of proof that the prosecution should be able to build, while the suspect is allowed the opportunity not to say anything until his or her preferred Waukesha lawyer is present. Even then, some data from the other side may be a precedent for argument, such as the seemingly tacit consent of entry from the property owner. Channel 3000 in Madison quoted the homeowner as saying that he forgot to lock the front door before leaving for work.

Being caught on burglary and theft charges will generate some trust issues when those charges are brought up during employment background checks. When you know the facts don’t stick, have your Waukesha attorney assist to clear you up on those charges and help you move on.


Police: Woman steals cheese, beer, sprays perfume, leaves cellphone at scene of burglary, Wisconsin State Journal, 23 April 2015

Burglar steals cheese and beer, sprays perfume, leaves cellphone behind, channel 3000

Burglary Defenses, FindLaw

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