What to Know About the Miranda Warning?

When an individual is arrested, the law enforcement officer is required to read the Miranda Warning if he or she intends to interrogate the suspect: “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If […]

Criminal Intent in Your Wisconsin Case

Last February, Wisconsin Rapids mayor Zach Vruwink posted a picture of his ballot in the primary for his re-election, an act that is considered a crime. But prosecutors did not charge him with a crime nor find enough merit to bring the case to trial because they found no criminal intent in his actions. According […]

Medical Bills in a Personal Injury Case

When you’ve been injured due to the negligence of someone else, it’s not uncommon to need financial help to foot the bill for medical costs and other unexpected expenses. And those bills wait for no one, even if you’re caught in a lengthy insurance battle. They can really add up regardless of the severity of […]

Facing Wisconsin Drug Possession Charges?  

Did you know that, in Wisconsin, you can be charged with a felony for giving prescription drugs to a friend – even if no money is exchanged? Did you know that drugs don’t have to be on your person to be in your possession? They can be lying on the ground next to you and […]

What to Expect At Your Arraignment

Courtroom Process Usually, the first step in the courtroom process is the arraignment, a procedure that exists primarily to state a crime shortly after an arrest has been made. This happens sooner if an individual is being held in jail, usually within two to three days. But if the accused has been released on bail, […]

What to Do If You’ve Lost Your Wisconsin Traffic Ticket

According to the Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles, there are a few steps you need to take if you misplace your traffic ticket. First, you need to verify from which county you received your ticket, specifically which Municipal or Circuit Court would have been listed on it. You can call the court closest to the […]

Ensuring Breath Test Accuracy in Wisconsin OWI Cases

The past evaluations for individuals who have been arrested for operating a vehicle while intoxicated or OWI (known as DUI/DWI in other states) have changed in recent years. The breath test has become the top method for all parties involved, performed by an Intoximeter EC/IR II. An Intoximeter EC/IR II is a machine that individuals blow into to […]

Wisconsin criminal defense: parents in trouble after 3 teens die

A Wisconsin house party turned to criminal defense issues after three teenagers died in a crash after they left the home. A husband and wife, along with their son, were issued a number of citations after it was determined that criminal charges were not warranted. In total, they were each hit with nine violations and […]

Wisconsin woman crashes car, arrested for drunk driving

A Wisconsin woman is facing drunk driving charges after she reportedly rolled her vehicle. The 54-year-old is now facing a single felony count of operating while intoxicated. Reports state this is the woman’s fifth drunk driving offense. An officer who responded in November to the early morning wreck alleges he found the woman hiding close […]

Man arrested after standoff

Criminal defense matters can involve many issues in Wisconsin. One man is facing criminal charges after a domestic dispute ended in a police standoff. Authorities went to a couple’s home to check on the safety of the wife because there was a record of domestic violence. There is no word on whether it was a […]