Wisconsin Prescription Drug Policy Changes

Today prescription drugs have the same notoriety cocaine had in the 70s and 80s. The state of Wisconsin has been especially inundated with prescription drug abuses. The number of overdose deaths related to prescription drugs has doubled since 1999.Wisconsin Prescription Drug laws are changing.

To combat this, Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel is pushing a bill that would require police officers to report information on pill bottles, which are connected to an overdose investigation, to the State’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program and the doctor who prescribed the drugs.

“It will be a great tool to enable law enforcement to alert the doctors that the drugs they prescribed have ended up being abused somehow,” Schiml said. “No doctor would want to be unaware of that as they continue to treat their patient.”

The American Academy of Pain Management is supportive of the idea but is encouraging the state to run a cost-benefit analysis before moving forward with the bill. There are some costly software updates that need to happen in order for police to input information in the same system pharmacies use to fill a prescription.

The Wisconsin Department of Justice is also making efforts to clean up the state’s prescription drug problem. On October 17, the DOJ and local law enforcement officers will be hosting a statewide prescription drug take back event. This will provide a safe, convenient and responsible way for citizens to get rid of old and expired medication.

State officials are focusing on making sure people know not to flush medications or pour them down a drain, as this can be devastating to the local environment.

The DOJ is also hoping this take-back event will be an opportunity to inform the public about the dangers of prescription drug abuse.

If you have been charged with a wisconsin prescription drug crime and need legal help, call the Waukesha criminal defense attorneys of Huppertz & Powers.  They are dedicated to helping clients get through a tough time in their life while ensuring their future opportunities are not taken away.