Impaired Driving: Facts About Driving Under the Influence

Impaired Driving

Consuming alcohol affects your entire body. Your nervous system, your muscles, your vision and hearing, and your brain functions all work differently under the influence of alcohol. It is for this reason that anyone who has been drinking should avoid operating a motor vehicle.   The amount of alcohol consumed is the leading factor of […]

Domestic Violence and Abusive Relationships

domestic violence

Domestic violence is the term used for a broad range of offenses that occur between two people with a personal relationship. This relationship can be between parent and child, siblings, two family members, close friends, or two people involved in a personal relationship. This type of violence is not limited to spouses or those involved […]

Consequences of Violating Parole in Waukesha

parole violation jail time

Parole is a benefit given to some prisoners who have responded well to their incarceration and are ready to re-enter society. Parole allows a person to be released from jail earlier than their sentencing if the person complies with certain conditions. A person is never granted parole without a hearing in jail and mutual agreement […]

DUI or OWI Offense: What You Should Know

DUI OWI Offense

For anyone, being charged with Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) or Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is a very serious matter that can have a dramatic impact on your life. From the moment you are pulled over by the police, your actions and the decisions you make will play a large role in determining how you […]

Risk Factors for Contributing to Juvenile Crimes

juvenile crimes

Juvenile crime is an issue that affects people in all areas. Regardless of race, economic status, sex, religion, or other classifications, crime rates within the juvenile age bracket is something that must be addressed. These young people are finding themselves in situations where they are making decisions that could impact their entire lives. So what […]

Misdemeanor Traffic Offenses | Huppertz & Powers

misdemeanor traffic offenses

When you are stopped by the police while operating your vehicle, chances are you will. receive a ticket for any offense that may have taken place. These tickets usually require that a fine is paid and points can be placed against your license. In many cases, you can take drivers school and have the points […]

Resisting or Obstructing an Officer in Wisconsin

If someone is charged with resisting or obstructing an officer in Wisconsin, this means he or she is accused of interfering with a law enforcement agent’s attempt to make an arrest. Let’s break down this definition according to Wisconsin law: Obstructs: “knowingly giving false information to the officer or knowingly placing physical evidence with intent […]

Juvenile Delinquency: What Makes Teenager Commit a Crime?

Common causes of juvenile delinquency

When a minor commits a crime it is addressed differently in the court system. Special courts and judges are set up for handling juvenile delinquency cases. This is done to protect the minors from the harsh realities of adult court and sentencing.   It is the belief of the legal system that minors who commit […]

What Does Pleading No-Contest Mean?

  Pleading No Contest or Nolo Contendere in a Criminal Case When you are charged with a crime or a  criminal traffic offense, you have the option of pleading guilty, not guilty, not guilty by reason of insanity, or no-contest, formally known as nolo contendere, which your judge will officially note in the court’s records.   While […]

Law Enforcement Defense Attorney

Law enforcement defense attorney

Technology has brought about much advancement to our society. It has changed how we live and how we interact with each other. Technology has changed how we shop and how we entertain ourselves. It has also changed the way that the public interacts with law enforcement.   Cell Phone Technology And Law Enforcement   Every […]