Grand Juries in Wisconsin Criminal Cases

Where Wisconsin criminal cases are concerned, the majority typically follow a chain of events like this: A district attorney files a criminal complaint that states which accusations are being made. This must include the crime charges, the identity of the defendant and where/when the alleged crime occurred. Probable cause plays a huge part in determining […]

Homicide Charges in Wisconsin

  In the legal system, not all homicide charges are created equal. Varying circumstances can affect how a case is treated, how the specific charge is determined and the sentence an individual receives. And, in some cases, certain evidence can lessen the severity of an initial charge. For example, did you know that, while many […]

Character Reference Letters in a Wisconsin Criminal Defense Case

If you’re facing a Wisconsin Criminal Defense case, you may wonder whether character references can help you reach a favorable decision. While it depends on each unique situation, we advise clients to pick as many important individuals they know who are not family members, because it certainly can’t hurt to have credible opinions. Presenting these […]

Refusing to Submit Violation During an OWI Arrest

  If you’ve been charged with Operating While Intoxicated (OWI), chances are you took some kind of test on the scene that measured your level of intoxication. But some who are arrested for OWI receive a second citation for refusing to submit to a breath, blood or urine test even if they complied with the […]

Milwaukee PurpleStride Event Benefits Pancreatic Cancer Efforts

Earlier this month, our Legal Assistant Karen Krueger proudly participated in the PurpleStride 5K Run & Family-Friendly Walk. This was organized by the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, which draws tens of thousands of individuals in over 56 events across the nation. On May 17, runners and walkers gathered at Miller Park for PurpleStride Milwaukee 2015, […]

Conditions of Good Time in Wisconsin

  Have you heard of “good time” in reference to criminal cases? It’s a reward available to some inmates of a county jail who have demonstrated good behavior. According to Section 302.43 of the Wisconsin Statutes, eligible inmates can “earn good time in the amount of one-fourth of his or her term.” So the sentence […]

Skilled Waukesha Lawyers Help When Your Teen Has a Run-in with the Law

Adolescence is usually the time when your child starts to act out and begins to develop the kind of personality he or she will bring into adulthood. As such, rebellion is a common occurrence among teenagers. Unfortunately, some teens take it too far, and find themselves in trouble with the law.

What Is Attorney-Client Privilege?

  The word “privilege” typically refers to a reward or incentive, but it means something different when referring to attorney-client privilege. This applies in both spoken conversation and written communication. In a legal setting, privilege can refer to a benefit, advantage or immunity, but most often is used in exempting information from becoming common knowledge […]

The 72-Hour No-Contact Requirement in Wisconsin Domestic Violence Cases

According to a Wisconsin statute, if you’ve been arrested for domestic violence, you are required to refrain from any contact with the victim for 72 hours – no matter what. The purpose of this requirement is to alleviate some of the tension between both parties, a cooling off period of sorts. During this time period, […]