When Can The Police Search Your Car?
You get pulled over, do you know what your rights are? Traffic stops can cause a lot of stress and confusion if you don’t know
Lifelong GPS Tracking Ankle Bracelet
GPS tracking ankle bracelet become somewhat of a pop culture topic thanks to Lindsay Lohan, Martha Stewart, and the movie Disturbia. These modern marvels allow
Mark it Zero!
Well you don’t see this everyday. A man in Spring Valley has been charged with a second-degree felony of recklessly endangering safety. This charge is
Rapids Wisconsin: New Heroin Hub
Heroin has become big business for the city of Rapids, Wisconsin. This town, with only a population of a little over 18,000, is earning an
OWI with Children in the Car
While most states refer to a drunk driving charge as a DUI (driving under the influence), Wisconsin uses the term OWI (operating a vehicle while
Nude Baby Photos at the Center of Controversy
Taking photos of kids when they’re young and as they grow up is a parent’s greatest joy. From the time they’re born, most kids are
Wisconsin Strip Search
As part of a large settlement deal involving multiple cases, Milwaukee city officials have proposed paying $5 million to 74 African-Americans who are suing the
The Plight of Steven Avery
The movie and TV streaming service, Netflix, has forever changed our society. By crushing movie rental giant Blockbuster, going to a brick and mortar store
New Internet Sex Crimes Bill
A bill has been introduced that would allow Wisconsin law enforcement to have more resources to fight internet sex crimes against children. The bill is
Domestic Violence in Wisconsin
There are several factors that need to meet in order for a crime to be considered domestic violence (or domestic abuse) in the state of
Wisconsin Probation Rules
Getting out of prison and trying to re-enter society isn’t always easy. Readjusting to life outside of the prison routine presents many challenges. One of
Wisconsin Bullying Laws Just Got Tougher
The sad truth is that in today’s school system, bullying in simply going to happen. It’s estimated that 1 in 4 students will be bullied