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Domestic Violence and Abuse

domestic violence

The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the phrase “domestic abuse” is someone physically hurting another person. Physical abuse is probably the most common form of abuse in a domestic setting, but it is not the only kind. There are several types of domestic abuse that can take place in a home. Each of these abusive behaviors has its own devastating effects.


Domestic abuse can occur in many ways, and by more than one person in a relationship or family. Most types of abuse fall under the following categories:


  • Physical violence of any kind
  • Intimidation of physical violence or threats of other actions
  • Isolation and Controlling of actions
  • Sexual violence or intimidation
  • Verbal abuse, emotional abuse or embarrassing actions
  • Coercion, threats and blaming
  • Economic abuse


These types of abuses can apply to any and all family members whether they are adults or children. The acts themselves are the abuse, whether or not anything physical happens.


Abuse Is Serious When It Is Real – Dangerous To The Accused When It Is Not


Abuse of any type is serious and should be handled according to the law. There is no denying this fact. However, abuse is often interpreted by people based on their own beliefs, and many people stand accused of abuse who were not being abusive.


A teenager with a previous history of drug use may charge their parents with abuse by saying that they are being isolated from their friends and being economically restricted. Under broad terms of abuse, isolation and economic restrictions are forms of abuse. However, the parents, in this case, are preventing their teens from hanging out with a bad influence and restricting the cash flow to prevent more drug purchases.


Every case of alleged abuse must be verified beyond a reasonable doubt because the consequences for the accused are serious.


The Consequences Of A Domestic Violence or Abuse Conviction


A conviction domestic abuse or violence will have life-changing effects on the accused. The potential for going to jail for a period of time is high with this type of conviction. Court mandated therapy sessions, community service and large fines are also a potential penalty for this type of conviction.


If convicted, from that point forward they will be considered a felon and will be required to report that information on job applications, rental applications, and several other different legal forms. Many future employers or landlords may not accept someone with a criminal history, regardless of the crime committed. Your current employer may choose to let you go from your position because of your conviction, even if you do not have to spend time in jail.


Your friends and family will see you differently, with many of them keeping their distance because the person was convicted of abuse. This will lead to many strained relationships that may never recover.


There are other issues that will impact someone convicted of any of these forms of abuse. If the abuse was sexual in nature, they might have to register as an offender. If the abuse was directed at a minor, the children might go into foster care or the adult may lose their access to their children. All of these life-shattering consequences can and do happen to someone convicted of domestic abuse.


Because these consequences have the potential to change every aspect of the convicted person’s life, it is imperative that abuse did occur.


When Abuse Is Real – There Is Help


Abusive situations are harmful not only to the person being abused but society as a whole. No one should be subjected to abuse. All too often the person in the abusive environment feels there is no way to escape the situation. They are restricted financially or are too afraid to leave. For children, they are afraid to be separated from their family but more afraid to be there. It is a scary life. But there is help available.


People in this type of situation must find the courage to notify the police of the abuse so that they can be removed from the situation. There are many non-profit groups that will help people suffering from abuse that has had to leave their homes. All of these organizations provide emotional and mental support services as well. The abuse victims have a chance to heal and move on with their lives. Leaving an abusive situation is never easy, but it is possible.


When You Are Accused Of Abuse – Speak To An Attorney


If you have been arrested and charged with domestic violence, the first thing that you should do is speak with Pewaukee criminal attorneys about these serious charges. You will need to have a qualified criminal defense attorney to represent your case for the best outcome.


Your defense attorney cannot guarantee that they will have your case thrown out r that you will not be convicted. That would be irresponsible on their part. They can guarantee you, however, that they will work to create a solid defense on your behalf and that you will experience the best outcome to the case.


Your attorney will look at all of the facts of the case, examine the evidence gathered by the police and conduct investigations on their own to learn more information about the event. They may interview witnesses or review pictures to help build the case. They will even go through the arresting procedure to make sure that it was a valid arrest.


Your attorney may ask you to do specific things like attend therapy or a self-help group. This will help build your case as someone who is willing to seek treatment for any perceived abuse. Your attorney will know what is best for your specific situation.


You are encouraged to work closely with your Pewaukee criminal attorneys so that you can build a case that will give you the best results. Your attorney has extensive experience in defending people accused of these same charges. Rely on their expertise and work with them to create a solid defense.


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