Operating After Revocation Charges in Wisconsin | Driving After Revocation

Operating After Revocation Charges in Wisconsin: If you are caught driving after revocation after your license has been revoked due to DUI or OWI, you may face charges of Operating After Revocation (OAR) in Wisconsin, not to be confused with Operating.

traffic offenses

After Suspension, which is a lesser offense, Operating After Revocation in Wisconsin is a misdemeanor criminal charge, but there are other penalties that can result in fines in case of driving after revocation, points on your driver’s license or extended time without your license. (You can find a detailed chart on these penalties if you visit the Wisconsin courts website.)

Please note that, even if your license was revoked for a first-offense DUI/OWI charge in Wisconsin and your record is otherwise clean, a judge may have little lenience or hesitation when sentencing your Operating After Revocation (OAR) Wisconsin charge. And the following factors can have a negative impact on your case:

  • Previous OWI/PAC or OAR/OWS convictions
  • A resulting accident or aggravated driving
  • If injury to a person or property occurred
  • If alcohol or controlled substances contributed to the OAR
  • Record of unsafe driving
  • If you attempt to leave the scene

Important things to keep in mind: Operating After Revocation Charges in Wisconsin

It is also important to remember that the severity of this offense is often understated by law enforcement officials. Many individuals are blindsided when they appear in court expecting to contest a traffic violation because they were never informed or arrested when in reality, they are facing a criminal case.

The ticket the officer issues will state that a court appearance is mandatory, and if you don’t appear, a warrant will be issued for your arrest.

Fortunately, there are mitigating factors in an Operating After Revocation charge that can be emphasized by experienced Wisconsin DUI Attorneys like Huppertz & Powers, S.C.

We will fight for your rights and help you build the strongest case possible if you’re facing an OAR court appearance in southeastern Wisconsin, including Milwaukee, Racine, West Bend, Brookfield, Oconomowoc, Delafield, Juneau, Port Washington, and Elkhorn.

Call us today to schedule a 100% free and confidential initial meeting with our lawyers in Waukesha, WI to discuss Operating After Revocation Charges in Wisconsin: 262-549-5979. You can also fill out our online contact form for a prompt response.

Call us today to schedule a 100% free and confidential initial meeting:


You can also fill out our online contact form for a prompt response.