Areas of Practice

Attorneys with decades of experience

Criminal Traffic Offenses


Criminal Traffic Offenses & OWI

We fight for clients throughout southeastern Wisconsin who are charged with Criminal traffic violations such as drinking and driving or vehicular homicide. We defend clients charged with first time OWI/DWI/DUI and multiple offense/felony drunk driving, including advising clients about drunk driving penalties and ignition interlock devices. We also handle noncriminal traffic violations, such as speeding and accident-related tickets.

Drug Offenses


Drug Offenses

We have handled drug cases ranging from simple marijuana possession or prescription drug fraud to drug trafficking and pot/heroin cases

Property Crimes



We fight for clients charged with any theft or property offenses, from trespassing and shoplifting to burglary, armed robbery or arson.

Internet Crimes


Internet Crimes

For any internet crime charge, it is important to retain an attorney who is knowledgeable about the specific issues involved. Child computer sex crimes and related matters comprise a new area of law, and many lawyers with tremendous experience in other areas of law do not know the best ways to defend clients accused of internet crimes.

Domestic Violence


Domestic Violence

We defend people facing criminal charges related to domestic abuse, disorderly conduct or child abuse, including defense in initial restraining order hearings or when accused of violating a restraining order. When our clients face Children in Need of Protection (CHIPS) cases or termination of parental rights because of these or other criminal charges, we can also handle those cases.

Sex Offenses


Sex Offenses

Being accused of sexual abuse, statutory rape, rape, solicitation, child sex crimes (such as child molestation or possession of child pornography) or internet sex crimes is devastating. We will aggressively defend you against such charges.

Juvenile Crimes


Juvenile Crimes​

We defend young people accused of criminal behavior ranging from shoplifting and drug offenses, to assault and battery and statutory rape.

Probation & Parole Violation


probation & parole violation

We help people accused of violating probation or parole (now called extended supervision in Wisconsin) defend themselves against revocation and being sent to jail or prison. If you are faced with going back to prison or have a significant jail or prison sentence hanging over your head, we can help.

Family Law


Family Law

Whether you are going through a divorce or a battle for child custody, trust Huppertz & Powers, S.C. with your family matters and domestic relations.