Heroin has become big business for the city of Rapids, Wisconsin. This town, with only a population of a little over 18,000, is earning an unfortunate reputation for being the heroin distribution center for central Wisconsin.
This surge in drug activity is causing crime rates to spike and major public health problems. Local police are saying the dealers taking advantage of this hub are not typical drug dealers. Some of these dealers are everyday people with a secret addiction who are selling to their friends, who also have secret addictions. Not necessarily the stereotypical, spastic junkie standing on the street corner.
One of the biggest public health problems mass heroin addiction is causing is dirty needles. Heroin users are being extremely careless with the way they discard their needles. Police have found used needles in AC vents, laundry tubs, and just about anywhere else you can think of. One unlucky Wisconsin man found more than 300 needles in the backyard of the house he just bought. Police and public officials are obviously worried about children finding these needles.
The reason for the sudden increase in heroin dealers is easy to pinpoint. Fast easy money, and lots of it. Profit margins for the average dealer are close to 200 percent. Most of these dealers will drive to Milwaukee to buy heroin in large quantities and then drive back to Rapids to distribute. Some deals have reported making the five-hour round trip drive as many as three times in a day. One dealer actually reported putting 15,000 miles on his car in three months.
While profits are high, but the risk is equally high. Penalties for possession of heroin with intent to distribute can be as high as 40 years in prison and $100,000 fine. With penalties as harsh as this, if you or someone you know has been charged with trafficking heroin you need an experienced Wisconsin drug trafficking lawyer. The lawyers at Huppertz & Powers have more than 30 years of experience defending clients charged with heroin possession and trafficking.
Source: Wisconsin Rapids Tribune