Trampoline Personal Injuries
Lots of families have a big trampoline in their backyards. Trampolines are great fun for kids and can be fun for parents too, if they’re brave enough. Not only are they a good time, but they’re also a fantastic form of exercise. If there’s a kid’s birthday party you can bet the trampoline will be […]
Changes Made to Wisconsin Alcohol Laws
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker recently signed bill 236, which put act 62 into law. This bill, commonly known as the “wine walk bill,” allows groups of businesses, that do not normally serve alcohol or food to their customers, to purchase wine and beer to serve to its customers during special events. During these special events […]
Changes in Wisconsin OWI Laws
Legislation has been introduced to the Wisconsin State Congress that would add some changes in Wisconsin OWI Laws. The proposed bill would bring harsher penalties for OWI repeat offenders. According to the Department of Transportation Wisconsin has the highest rate of drunk driving in the nation. Wisconsin also has some of the most lax laws […]
Driving Under the Influence of Pot in Wisconsin
Marijuana is a very popular topic today. News anchors, politicians and just about everyone is all talking about the pros and cons of legalizing pot. The state of pot Currently there are 23 states that have legalized marijuana for medical use, while four states plus the District of Columbia have legalized it for recreational use. […]
The Appeals Process
In 1951 thirteen individuals filed a class action lawsuit against the Kansas Board of Education. The plaintiffs claimed the racial segregation happening in the Kansas Public School System was unjust. The case, commonly known as Brown v Board of Education, went to trial in the United States District Court of Kansas in Topeka, Kansas. The […]
Samsung See Through Semi-Truck
Have you ever been stuck behind a big semi-truck going 10 miles per hour under the speed limit driving down a two-lane road? We’ve all been and it’s not a pleasant situation. You want to pass the semi but trying to judge the traffic flow in the opposite lane can be tricky, especially at night. […]
Wisconsin Prescription Drug Policy Changes
Today prescription drugs have the same notoriety cocaine had in the 70s and 80s. The state of Wisconsin has been especially inundated with prescription drug abuses. The number of overdose deaths related to prescription drugs has doubled since 1999. To combat this, Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel is pushing a bill that would require police […]
Wisconsin Records Sites Adds CAPTCHA
Most people aren’t familiar with the term CAPTCHA, but almost everyone who’s ever used the Internet has had to deal with a CAPTCHA. Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart is the expanded form of CAPTCHA. These frustrating devices are the scam protecting tests we all have to pass in order […]
New Data Reveals High Rate of Substance Abuse Crimes in Wisconsin
Federal health officials recently released the results of their studies on substance abuse in 2014. These are some of the statistics they uncovered about American citizens: Around 53% of Americans 12 and older use alcohol Over 10% use illegal drugs More than 21 million are dependent or impaired by drugs or alcohol Over 139 million […]
Laws Aim to Prevent Prescription Painkiller Overdoses in Wisconsin
Unfortunately, the number of prescription painkiller overdoses in Wisconsin (such as hydrocodone and oxycodone), even surpassing the number of deaths related to street drugs. And many of these deaths could have been prevented had witnesses not feared for the legal ramifications their own drug abuse would have warranted. The State of Wisconsin is taking measures […]