Early Discharge from Probation in Wisconsin
Our experienced Waukesha Criminal Defense Attorneys are often asked if it’s possible to receive early discharge from probation in Wisconsin and what people can do to make it happen. To start with, this situation is only made possible by the court system when you have completed at least half of your probation term. The judge […]
The Conditions of Department of Corrections Supervision
In continuing our series on Probation, Parole and Extended Supervision in Wisconsin, today we are going to discuss the typical conditions of Department of Corrections supervision. As we mentioned in the first post, rules and regulations will usually be outlined specifically by the judge during your sentencing. Other conditions will be introduced by the Department […]
Working with a Wisconsin Department of Corrections Agent
Today we will be continuing our series on Probation, Parole and Extended Supervision in Wisconsin, answering some frequently asked questions about working with a Department of Corrections Agent, to whom we’ll simply refer to as your agent in this article. How often and where will I meet with my agent? The frequency you will see […]
Probation, Parole or Extended Supervision in Wisconsin
Wisconsin Probation and Parole: Over the next few weeks, we are going to be providing information that will apply to you if a judge has placed you on probation, parole or extended supervision in Wisconsin. This means you may complete your sentence outside of a correctional facility, instead of under the supervision of a Department of […]