Wisconsin man faces Internet crimes charges after sting
A Wisconsin sting operation has led to the arrest of a man accused of using a computer to attempt to lure a young girl into a sexual encounter. Three counties have been involved in the sting and have worked with the state Division of Criminal Investigation’s Internet Crimes Against Children Wisconsin Task Force. Police say […]
2 separate Wisconsin drunk driving incidents lead to arrests
Two Wisconsin men are facing drunk driving charges in separate incidents. In the first incident, a 26-year-old man was taken into custody after a report came in stating that the man had pulled into a parking lot on only three wheels. When police responded, he was taken into custody under suspicion of drunk driving. Authorities […]
Wisconsin drug charge without drugs: How does that happen?
What happens when police arrest someone for selling drugs in Wisconsin and it becomes apparent that no illegal drugs were involved? That question is at the center of a criminal case now pending in Waukesha County. The drug charge stems from an incident in which police acknowledge that the supposed drugs involved in the alleged […]
Wisconsin man facing sex crimes charges of child pornography
When a Wisconsin resident faces allegations of committing sex crimes, the thought of mounting a criminal defense can seem overwhelming. It’s important for accused individuals to remember that it’s the job of the prosecutors to prove the allegations by presenting evidence in court. The burden of proof is high, and it is always set upon […]
Father charged in son’s death
Bad situations have a way of often spinning into something worse. Often, in everyday situations, we are able to work our way around things and restore our equilibrium. But when serious criminal charges are the upshot of a situation, Wisconsin residents should not try to undertake the necessary criminal defense without the help of experienced […]
Waterford man accused of embezzling $1.4 million
A Waterford man faces charges of embezzling $1.4 million from Waukesha Memorial Hospital while he was an employee there. The 52-year-old man allegedly submitted invoices for painting work from a company owned by his wife. However, the hospital later determined the woman’s company never performed any of the work listed. Such white collar crime charges […]
Sheriff’s deputy faces sex crimes charges in Wisconsin
A sheriff’s sergeant in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, is receiving a taste of the other side of the legal system after being accused of sex crimes. The man had once acted as a department spokesman before being charged in a federal court for purportedly producing child pornography over a period of two years. The sex crimes […]
Wisconsin man accused of attempted homicide
Posted on behalf of Huppertz & Powers, S.C. A man accused of a serious crime is undergoing a trial and will likely benefit from a strong criminal defense as the case proceeds. The man is facing two counts of attempted first-degree intentional homicide after an incident last summer where he is accused of shooting at […]
Wisconsin man accused of attempted homicide
A man accused of a serious crime is undergoing a trial and will likely benefit from a strong criminal defense as the case proceeds. The man is facing two counts of attempted first-degree intentional homicide after an incident last summer where he is accused of shooting at officers inside of a Wisconsin hotel. Opening statements […]
Reduced Drunk Driving Charge Because Woman Had Pierced Tongue
Drunk driving is a very serious charge that affects many Wisconsin families every year. Just by being accused of a DWI or OWI can cause irreparable damage to a person’s professional reputation, and it can lead to potentially undue stress on that person’s family. Drunk driving stories are ubiquitous in the news, and often times […]