Wisconsin Sentence Reduction: File a Motion or Appeal?
When an individual is sentenced to time in prison, it’s only natural to explore every option that will get his or her sentence reduced. In Wisconsin, the two options are to file an appeal or to exercise Wisconsin Statute 973.19(1)(a) and request a sentence modification. The latter option, Wis. Stat.§ 973.19(1)(a), can be much quicker […]
Criminal Intent Plays Crucial Role in Wisconsin Child Pornography Cases
In an online world full of click-bait, it’s easy for curiosity to lead people to unwanted places. You could open an email or visit a web page that may seem innocent, but is actually linked to child pornography. While it may seem like a simple solution to delete the unwanted files from your computer, the […]
Disorderly Conduct or Strangulation in Wisconsin
If you’ve been accused of disorderly conduct or strangulation in Wisconsin, it’s crucial to obtain experienced representation, especially if it’s your first offense. Skilled criminal defense attorneys know every available option for your unique circumstances and can guide you to the best possible outcome for your case. At Huppertz & Powers, S.C., our Waukesha disorderly […]
Illegal Uses of a Concealed Carry License in Wisconsin
According to Wisconsin statute 946.71, there are several ways individuals can use a Concealed Carry Weapon license (CCW) in an unlawful manner. To law enforcement officers, this refers to licenses issued under s. 175.60 (2) or (9r). If your license has been revoked, suspended or fraudulently altered – or if it’s a fake altogether – […]
Facing a Denied Appeal in Wisconsin? We Can Help.
You’ve extended your case with an appeal, but that appeal has been denied. Does that mean your case is over? Not necessarily. If you’re facing a denied appeal in Wisconsin, there are multiple avenues you can explore at this point, depending on your unique circumstances. You can file a motion for reconsideration with the Court […]
Criminal Record Expungement in Wisconsin
Criminal records of any kind can affect your credibility when applying for work, housing, and other things. Like many states, Wisconsin will expunge or seal an individual’s records from the public eye (the terms are synonymous these days), but their rules are stricter than many other states. Still, expunging your record is a good option […]
FoodShare Fraud in Wisconsin
Here in Wisconsin, our extension of the USDA’s SNAP program is called FoodShare. Did you know it’s considered an act of fraud to sell food stamps with potentially hefty consequences for doing so? If people have enough groceries, it’s logical they would try to liquidate their food stamps to meet other financial needs. And […]
The Federal Habeas Corpus Petition
For prisoners who have exhausted all of the State of Wisconsin’s options, there may be a last resort. Those who believe their sentence is a violation of federal law can file a petition for a writ of federal habeas corpus if there are grounds for it. This can only be filed if the prisoner has […]
Experienced Waukesha Theft, Burglary and Property Crime Defense Attorneys
If you’ve been charged with theft of any kind in Wisconsin, retaining a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney will give your case its best chance for success. According to Wisconsin statute 943.20, theft punishable by law includes: Intentionally taking the property of another without the owner’s consent, with the intent of permanently depriving the owner […]
Driving Under the Influence in Wisconsin
If you’ve been caught driving under the influence in Wisconsin (or OWI—operating a vehicle while intoxicated), having an experienced Waukesha DUI Attorney on your side will give you the most successful outcome possible. Below are some facts about DUI/OWI in Wisconsin. The legal blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08, or less than that at 0.04 […]